in connection with IVM André Kruysen

March 7 to April 12, 2009

"Light: that is what André Kruysen's work is all about. For him it is both subject and material. After all, the construction of his often monumental buildings is determined by the way in which light is present in the place where he works. In turn, these architecturally-looking structures direct the light or the incidence of light. A striking feature is the contrast between the broken open, deconstructed space with the scaffold and crooked surfaces and the serenity radiated by the installations. Kruysen makes light tangible, almost magical. As in previous installations, Kruysen tries in the installation 'related to IVM' (in connection with Iohannes Vermeer) to manipulate the light that he finds on the spot, in such a way that it produces a sacred or meditative experience. Vermeer as far as Kruysen is concerned. “His images are so drenched in light that the boundaries between man, object and room are blurred. tangible, he knows how to make tangible. And vice versa." And Kruysen does that in his own way. "
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