In transit Remy Jungerman

9 september t/m 5 november 2017

"At first glance you immediately think: De Stijl. Remy Jungerman's work refers so strongly to the tight grids of this world-famous modernist art movement. Jungerman, however, has his own way of working. He builds grids from wood and paints with white clay (kaolin). ) on fabrics with grid patterns, referring to the Maroon culture of his native region: the Marowijne district in Suriname. De Stijl's 100th birth year is reason for 38CC to invite Jungerman to a solo exhibition. His work shows that there are is more than De Stijl and the purely Western perspective. In the vault the short film Visiting Deities about Winti rituals in Marowijne, made in 1962 by anthropologist Bonno Thoden "
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