Horror Vacui Filip Vervaet Renato Nicolodi

November 21, 2015 through January 17, 2016

"Emptiness that fascinates and is mystical and at the same time evokes fear: that is what the duo exhibition of Renato Nicolodi and Filip Vervaet is about. At first sight, the oeuvres of these two Belgian sculptors do not seem to have much in common. Nicolodi is known in the Netherlands for his work. are extremely precise, austere and sacred images that resemble buildings, while Vervaet's work rarely shown in our country consists of multiform, sometimes colorful and idiosyncratic sculptures of plexiglass, colored light, cement and clay. And yet ... The combination of their work produces an exciting exhibition. While looking and wandering you encounter different forms of emptiness. This is how the title of the exhibition gradually unfolds: Horror vacui. "
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